Today is the 2 year anniversary of the day we got "The Call" that there was a 16 month old baby girl waiting for us in China. Her name was Xi, Yun Na, she was born on February 14, 2003 and currently living in the Beijing Children's Welfare Institute. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Her pictures would arrive the next day, but that happened to be the day I would be leaving for Jamaica on a missions trip. The pictures arrived as I boarded my flight to Jamaica, and I got to see the pictures three days later. It was exciting showing everyone the pictures of my sister we had waited so long to see!!
Emma has been so excited about her Referral Day! To celebrate we had cake and looked at her referral pictures. Tian was sick, so she went to be early. It was good for Emma to have some "alone twin" time. She kept saying, "Esther is sick, so she can't have cake. But I'm not sick, so I get cake." She kept looking at her pictures and saying, "Thats me as a baby in China!"
For each referral day I've been taking her picture with her framed referral picture. It's neat to see how she's changed through the last two years. The top three pictures are from today, and the last one is from last year.
As far as understanding that she is adopted from China, Emma's still too young to realize that. We tell her all the time that she was born in China and that Mommy, Daddy and Sera went to get her. She watches her movie all the time and says "That's me as a baby!" Today I told her about her referral day and that this was the day we got the call that Emma was waiting for us in China and that we saw her pictures and said "Yes, we want to go and get her." She doesn't understand right now because she's still too young, but she will one day. I don't think she realizes that she looks different from us, but then again, none of us look the same! We're a mixture of blonde's, brunette's, green, blue & brown eyes. She isn't asking any questions, but we'll be prepared when she does start to. For now, we're just enjoying the time we have with her because they grow so fast!