This week's FFFF is pajamas! The girl's love pajama's and they have some real cute ones. Currently, their favorites are these new Dora the Explorer ones we bought at Target. Esther loves anything that is Dora, so when she first saw these new pj's, you'd think she was someone who had just gotten a million dollars!
Donna from FFFF over at "Double Happiness" (Linked on the right hand side) has two little girls who have about the same age difference as Esther & Emma. Our girls are only 39 days apart in age and close in height, so they do look a lot like twins. But to me, they look nothing alike! Most people assume they are twins, and whenever they ask we just reply saying that they're five weeks apart. That gets some pretty interesting looks, but we let them think about it, or ask more questions! When Esther first came home, there was a HUGE difference in height & weight between both girls. Emma has grown quite a bit this summer, and she's almost the same size as her sister. Both girls are built very differently. We refer to Emma as the "little bird" because she's got a very thin build and is soo tiny! Esther, on the other hand is called "The Meatball" because she's got a very solid build! Even though there's not much different in weight, you can definitely feel the difference when picking them up. I think gymnastics will be in the future for Emma. She has long toes and amazing upper body strength. I see soccer or t-ball in Esther's future because she's so athletic!
Here's the differences between the girls: (They're as accurate as you can get with two squirming girls!)
Age: 3 years, 11 months
Height: 39 1/2 inches
Weight: 32 pounds
Clothing Size: 3T-5T
Shoe Size: 8 or 9
Age: 3 years, 10 months
Height: 38 inches
Weight: 28 pounds
Clothing Size: 2T & 18-24 month bottoms
Shoe Size: 6 or 7
Emma is busy, busy and busier! She is always on to something new and doesn't like to concentrate on anything for longer than 5 minutes! She's very bright, and likes to solve things like puzzles. She loves to do any sort of puzzle and can usually put pieces together faster than I can! She also loves to help in any any way she can. We do question Emma's actual age, though. If you spend ten minutes with the girls, you can tell an obvious difference in the two. Even though Esther has only been here 9 months, she has learned her ABC's, several Christmas songs, nursery rhymes and her numbers. If you ask Emma to say her ABC's, her version goes something like "ABCDEFJKZ.. now I know my ABC's, etc." She was VERY slow to potty train and she just acts a lot younger than a normal almost four year old. This summer when the girls from her travel group were here, they were all speaking in complete sentances and all potty trained. Emma does speak in 5-7 word sentances, but there was an obvious difference in their speaking abilities. Instead of asking "Can I have some water please?", Emma will say "I have water?" Emma's information from the orphanage was very conflicting and we never really got any information just that she was found on Feb 15th and they assumed she had been born the previous day. Maybe it's just that Emma has a different way of learning things. She's very bright, but it takes her a lot longer than it does Esther. However, she is the baby of the family and I think she likes that position! Another interesting thing about Emma is that many Vietnamese people have commented that Emma looks Vietnamese. That is interesting since she is from Beijing, which is quite far north of Vitnam!
On to Esther.. well she is a lot more laid back than her sister who has been dubbed "Tigger on Crack." Esther is very smart and is a quick learner. She loves to sing little songs like "Jingle Bells", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", etc. Even though she doesn't know all of the words, she'll make some up, or just hum along. We could tell from our orphanage visit back in March that she was a favorite among the nannies, probably because she is so bright. She loves to color and can write her name. She also is very prideful. If you accuse her of being a bad girl, or blame something on her she will correct you and say "No, it wasn't ME!!" I think Esther's going to be the more studious sister since she likes to finish everything she starts! Esther also has a really funny sense of humor. She can brighten even the most despondent person's day. She has the craziest laugh and loves to play games. An interesting note about Esther is that she appears to look more like a child adopted from Cambodia. She has very dark skin.. she's the darkest of all of us in the family! We're going to have Esther re-evaluated for speech therapy soon. Because of her cleft palate she has a hard time making sounds/words. We understand about 75% of what she says, but we're the only ones who do. Esther loves to talk to other people, but no one can really understand what she says. The speech therapy will really be good for her because she is a quick learner, and it will help us all not to be too frustrated when we can't understand one another!
No matter what their differences, they are both the sweetest, cutest, most adorable little girls I know. (Quite possibly because I am just a tad bit biased!)