November 29th was the night of Esther and Emma's preschool Christmas program.
The girls attend a small in-home preschool run by one of my best friends' mother, "Nana". I also work at the preschool during the mornings while the girls are there, so it allows me more time to be with them. We have 18 children, ages 4 1/2-1. I absolutely love my job-- I adore all of my kids and love having the opportunity to spend time with all of them. Each one is so special in their own way.. but I would be lying if I said I didn't have my favorites. =)
Esther and Emma have greatly benefited from attending Nana's school-- their social skills and speech have improved tremendously since being there.
Owner, Head Teacher, and my boss, Nana is a wonderful woman who has been caring for kids over the last 10 years. We have a wonderful program she has put together and it shows by how well behaved our kids are. Not only do our two-year-old know the Pledge of Allegiance, but they can also recite Genesis 1:1, and have impeccable manners!
The Christmas program was just something we put together for the parents. It was a little crazy during the many costume changes, but I think the parents really enjoyed seeing their kids in action..
The girls attend a small in-home preschool run by one of my best friends' mother, "Nana". I also work at the preschool during the mornings while the girls are there, so it allows me more time to be with them. We have 18 children, ages 4 1/2-1. I absolutely love my job-- I adore all of my kids and love having the opportunity to spend time with all of them. Each one is so special in their own way.. but I would be lying if I said I didn't have my favorites. =)
Esther and Emma have greatly benefited from attending Nana's school-- their social skills and speech have improved tremendously since being there.
Owner, Head Teacher, and my boss, Nana is a wonderful woman who has been caring for kids over the last 10 years. We have a wonderful program she has put together and it shows by how well behaved our kids are. Not only do our two-year-old know the Pledge of Allegiance, but they can also recite Genesis 1:1, and have impeccable manners!
The Christmas program was just something we put together for the parents. It was a little crazy during the many costume changes, but I think the parents really enjoyed seeing their kids in action..
I'm very happy to say that all of our kids know at least 30 scripture verses.. which is sadly, more than I know.
This part of our program was called the "Grand Entrance." We dressed all of the girls in floor-length gowns, and the boys in suites and had them walk out to holiday music. They looked pretty darn cute!
(An explanation about the height difference: We have seven 4 year olds; three boys and four girls! Since Emma is the smallest of all the girls, she was paired with Jagger, who is the tallest of the 2-3 year old group. They were really cute together.)
Emma is such a sweetheart.. she is always willing to lend a helping hand.
Special thanks to our friend Jenny for taking the photo's!