Saturday, June 10, 2006

So how old am I really?

The conversation went something like this:

Me: Tian, how hold are you?

Tian: (looks at me like she has no idea what I'm talking about...) and says, "Esther"

Me: No, how old are you? (Realizing she doesn't know what I'm asking her)

Me: You are three years old. (Holding up the sign for three with my fingers)

Tian: (Holding up the sign for three) "Three?"

Me: So, How old are you?

Tian: Three!

Me: Emma, how old are you?

Emma: (Pauses...) "Eleven"

Me: You're Eleven?

Emma: Yep

Tian: Emma, You're Three!

Emma: I'm Eleven.

Me: No, you're three.

Emma: Mmmm.. Okay..Can we watch Aladdin?

(Show's how short a three-year-old's attention span is)

1 comment:

asiangard said...

lol, My four years old tells everyone that she is 24...weird!