February 14thour sweet Emma Grace turned five years old..
Emma is so excited to have caught up with her older sister Esther, which means she is no longer four! Since we celebrated with a joint birthday party for her and Esther back in January, we had a small family party for her. I love the fact that Emma's birthday is on Valentine's Day- although when she is older she might want to skip the family party for a more romantic affair.. but we have quite awhile before that happens!
As much as I love all of my siblings, Emma and I share a very unique bond. Maybe it's because she was our first one from China, but it was instant love when I met her. When we first met back in Beijing, China, I thought she would never like me, because she screamed for the first half hour! But once we got some food into her little stomach and she realized there was more coming, she never looked back. Emma is the most well adjusted (adopted) child you will ever meet, she knows it too. =) She loves to be loved on, held and played with. However, she's never been much of a cuddler because she is constantly on the move and never sits still!
Many people are drawn to Emma because of her small stature, undeniable cuteness and her personality. She's very prissy, girly and oh so very dramatic! Yet, at the same time she loves to please and is always there ready to lend a hand. She's very comfortable with her place as baby in the family, but she loves younger children and is very helpful at school. Emma isn't afraid of anything- she's perfectly comfortable going 70 mph on the jet ski as she is "tanning" with her big sis.
I see Emma as being one of the popular kids in school.. she's very fashion conscientious, loves boys and is always ready to have a good time. I've said this before, but I can't wait to see the two of them in ten years at 15.. my parents will practically be dead from keeping up with these two. I always joke with Mom that before her 18th birthday, Emma will have been on plenty of dates, gotten a tattoo and been clubbing.. all stuff I haven't yet done at 18! (Esther is the better behaved twin.. she will be much more content studying or sipping coffee..)
Emma brings a lot of energy and laughter to our family and we are constantly amazed by God's grace in granting us with her as our daughter and sister. We love you so much Emma Grace and we are so blessed by your presence in our lives. May you grow up with the love of Jesus in your heart and use your energy and sense of adventure to be a shining light to the world. We love you.. to the moon and back a thousand times!

"Put on then, compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience, bearing with one another.. And above all these put on LOVE, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Let the word of Christ dwell in your richly.. and whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossions 4: 12, 14, 16 & 17
A Few Facts about Emma:
- Her favorite color is PINK!
- She's got an amazing amount of upper body strength- I see a future gymnast!
- She wants to marry her older sibling's karate teacher
- Favorite princess: Belle
- Hates spicy food
- She's missing the finger nail on her right thumb.. it's never been there, and never grown back!
- Did I mention her favorite color is pink?
P.S. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to be with Emma on her birthday this year. Early that morning, I flew with my best friend Elena to Grand Rapids, Michigan.. more on that in the next post!