Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Swim Lessons

Living in the south on a lake, and having a pool in our backyard makes it imperative for the girls to learn how to swim. So, this week they started their swimming lessons.
Simply put, Emma loves it.
She loves her teacher, she loves being in the water, and she keeps a huge smile on her face the entire time.
Esther, however, started crying the moment she saw the swim teacher arrive, and the crying only escalated as it became her turn.
Needless to say, there aren't any photos of her swimming, since it was a bit traumatic for her!

Emma was a great little sister- she clapped & rejoiced for Esther when she swam and patted her back after she was done swimming!

And both girls got lei's because they did so well in swimming! =)


StarfishMom said...

Hey Sera...I'm glad the girls have adjusted better to each other. It seems they are truly growing into 'twins'. Your family would make a great TV show! Oh...to be a fly on the wall at your house during dinner :) I wanted to ask you what program you used to make Emma's adoption video. Thanks! ~Cynthia (Hut31999@aol.com)

asiangard said...

Awww, poor Tian, she seems so tired after the scary swimming lessons!!

Aimee said...

Is the guy with the awesome body the swim teacher? I may suddenly need lessons.