It seems like it was so long ago, and I actually just went back and read through the blog post I made on that very day. (You can go back and read it by clicking HERE.) The whole Gotcha day process went much smoother than Emma's did. I'll never forget the way she just waltzed into the room as if she owned the place. I saw her and instantly fell for that little face of hers and those cute pigtails she had! (I was scared to death they would chop her hair off and she would look like a boy!) I went right up to her and said, "Hello Tian" and she just smiled that beautiful little smile she has. The rest is history.. she was content with us for those first two hours.. and then we met her other side!
Yah, the first few weeks with Esther were definitely something I wasn't prepared for-but who could blame her? At three, her entire world had changed. No longer was she the spoiled favorite child from her orphanage who was given anything she wanted just to make her happy, since they figured her future adoptive parents would deal with it once they got her! (And.. we know this for certain!) Yep, she had left that world for the life of the youngest of six children, sharing that spotlight with another child the same age as her.. which proved to be a bit disastrous at first! Her whole world had changed- she had to learn a new way of communicating with us strangers, to not hit her sister and share her toys and what it means to be loved. She has come such a long way from the over controlling type personality she used to have. We just laugh about it now because she's just the most joyful child!
Up until meeting her, I wasn't sure what it would be like to have a sister who was cleft affected. Sure I knew she had already had surgery, but what were other people going to think? Would her scar be so noticeable that people would stare and make fun of her? These fears were all lost upon meeting her because I barely even noticed her cleft and I pay little attention to it even today. Her cleft does affect her nose, but I think it's the cutest little nose ever! Being cleft affected hasn't stopped Esther from doing anything and in fact, I believe it's why God gave her this "responsibility."
Everyone who meets Esther instantly falls in love with her. She is so witty and has great people skills! Everywhere we go in public she always wants to ask someone what their name is, what their mom and dads name is, do they have a dog, and "oh what's your doggies name?" She loves to ask questions and that's how she learns. When she first got home she constantly asked "What is this? What is that" and that's how she picked up on English so fast. Have I mentioned how smart this child is? At school, she has the best penmanship in the class and she's always first to answer questions that her teacher asks. She may not be the loudest one at answering questions, reciting Scriptures or the pledges, but she sure can belt it out when she sings!!
We always joke around that Esther's going to put Mom & Dad in the good nursing home since she'll be the one with all the money. Esther's ambition in life is to be a mommy and a doctor, and to marry Daniel, the 21 year old brother of my friend. He's quite a bit way too old for her, but she thinks he is funny and that's enough for her! I don't know what it is about my youngest sisters and liking older men.. (Emma wants to marry the kids 21 year old karate teacher.)
Yes, Esther is a little bundle of joy and she makes our lives so much happier and funnier. Her humble beginning into this world has given her so much strength and perseverance that I know she will be able to accomplish anything she sets her mind to. (Like marrying Daniel? Hehe.. maybe not)
Happy Adoption Day!!
uploaded it! Guess you'll have to turn your head!
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