Saturday, March 01, 2008

Karate Promotions!

We celebrated the beginning of March with a promotion for our Karate students!
Dad and Asher's promotion was on the same night and then Elena and Ian's was the next day.
The whole family made it out to Dad & Asher's especially since this was Dad's first promotion. I don't usually attend the promotions, but this time Asher BEGGED me to come.. so I knew nothing could stop me from missing this special event in his life. =)

Here's the back of Dad, our white belt!
Asher getting ready to go before the judges
Cousin Ethan also moved up to a Camo belt!
Sweet boy
Showing off his skills with his jongbong (?)
As part of their promotion, the student has to show how to get out of a "bear hug" hold.
God forbid anything happen, they will learn the skills to get away.
Asher successfully gets out of his "hold."
"Don't touch me stranger!"
Look at that Camo belt!
Big Sis Elena helped him make the transformation from yellow belt to Camo!
Along for support, Asher's teacher Mrs Langford was there to cheer him on!
As soon as he got his camo belt he ran into her arms. =)
Congratulations, Graduates!

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